Enclosed Storage rooms with Locking Facility give freedom to customer to store anything at anytime. Safe. Doors will tamper proof insulation make sure that unauthorized access is not possible.
This is best suited for People who are looking for extra space and wants to access on regular basis. No additional packing required, customer can keep any goods it may be Props, occasional inventories etc.
All Our Warehouses are under CCTV Surveillance for 24x7 , So safety never becomes a question. Digitally Protected Warehouse
Goods are stored on the Wooden Pallets to avoid dampening and to ensure the goods to be dry and clean
Pest control is part of our regular maintenance activity. It make sure that all our goods are safe and long term storage never becomes an issues
Customer can use their own lock to avoid unauthorized entry. Doors will tamper proof insulation make sure that unauthorized access is not posible